What is a Facial?

A facial cleans, nourishes and exfoliates the skin.  It promotes clear and well-hydrated skin.

A facial is sometimes called either deep-cleansing (no manual extractions) or deep-pore cleansing with manual extractions.

Cleansing:  Your facial will begin with a cleansing using  cotton pads and products chosen for  your particular skin type, i.e. normal, oily, dry, combination, mature, sensitive, acne, etc.

Your skin will be analyzed by looking through a brightly lit magnifying lamp that will reveal various skin conditions, which we will discuss.

Exfoliation:  the next step in your facial. We will massage your face and apply a slightly gritty textured crème while a steam vapor is directed at your face. For your comfort and ultimate relaxation, we use aroma therapy while steaming.

Facial Massage:  Our facial massage is done to both relax you and stimulate your skin and facial muscles. We use the classic strokes, i.e. effleurage, petrissage, tapoment and shiatsu.  *We can also use a very light chemical peel if necessary* and it is generally an upgrade.

Extractions:  If requested or necessary , we will do manual extractions of your blackheads and or whiteheads. Extractions can be uncomfortable for some depending on your tolerance level but we will make it as comfortable as possible.

Facial Masque:  Will be targeted to your skin type.  It is at this time you will relax and let the full extent of the facial take place.  After the masque is on for  ten to fifteen minutes, we will remove your masque, using a toner and apply a crème specific for your skin type.

During our unique facial you will enjoy some special treatments which we will discuss at the time of your Facial.
It will be the best Facial you ever had!